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Baby Schedule 10 months

Once Bella hit 8 months, we went into shelter-in-place. Its been about 9 weeks now, and during this time she has done so much growing and developing! The biggest stand outs are that she is now on only 2 naps per day instead of 3, and now she is eating a *ton* of food! Three meals per day with lots of organic puffs and teething crackers in between.

In my previous 'daily schedule' post, I talked about our newly labeled 'attachment parenting' style and why it works for us, why I love a schedule, and our failed attempt to have Bella sleep in her crib. Read those quick notes here.

Here's what our schedule is looking like these days during quarantine, from the words of Bella, because its been 9 weeks and mommy is losing it:

  • 8:30am I wake up in bed w mom and dad. Play with my toy that mom gives me, while mom and dad try to sleep a little bit more. Kick dad's back a whole lot, squeeze on mom's face and pull dad's facial hair. Mom gets up at puts me in my playpin in the dining room and I play quietly while she makes me a bottle. Drink bottle, sometimes a full 6 oz and sometimes less. Then I usually quietly play in my plan pen while mom hangs out on the couch. (note from mom: I love this time of day because it is quiet and she plays so nicely).

  • 8:00am eat breakfast in my high chair, get cleaned up, play quietly in my room to calm down before my morning nap

  • 9-10am nap in mom's arms or on bed if mom wants to put me down

  • 10 - 12 have a snack, hang out in my room and play or in my jumper in the living room next to dad while he works on his computer, talks on the phone, and watches the news. He usually changes the tv to one of my favorite shows, like "Emma" from The Wiggles or Minnie Mouse.

  • 12pm lunch in my high chair, get cleaned up

  • 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm play in my room, in my dining room play pen, or my jumper by daddy and watch tv while he works.

  • 3:00-4:00 pm final nap, in mom or dad's arms, or on the bed.

  • 4:00 - 5:00 pm family walk! This is my favorite part of the day. We get to go outside, see all our neighbors, look at so many pretty trees, and sometimes I even see peacocks in the neighborhood down the street! Mommy gets excited to take me out and puts me in a cute outfit.

  • 5:30 pm dinner in my high chair, get cleaned up, and put pjs on for bed

  • 6:00 - 7:00 pm mom and dad often let me watch tv in my jumper this time of night because they are making and eating dinner, and ran out of ways to entertain me for the day. Due to the strict 'shelter in place' in the Bay Area, I can't go anywhere for entertainment like play with other babies at the park, go to mom and me classes, have coffee dates, with mom and her friends, etc.

  • 7:00 pm play in my room to calm down before bedtime

  • 7:30 pm bedtime! Sleep in bed with mom and dad until morning!

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